So when Jared and I got married back in June, I had this idea that, yay! this means we'll be going everywhere together from now on--aka I'll never be alone again! Sadly, this is not the case. While you read this post, you should imagine Celine Dion's "All By Myself" rocking in the background (if a Celine Dion song can actually "rock"...). In fact, if you happen to have that cd on your itunes (aka if you're as nerdy as I am) I invite you to fire it up. It'll really add to your whole blog reading experience. Because this week, I am truly All By Myself.
Sort of.
This week, I have been distracting myself quite well actually. So this post will be a modge podge of my week so far. Here's a sort of "table of contents" for the post:
Part 1. This Week's Bookshelf
Part 2. Happiness is this right here
Part 3. My projects
Part 1.My Bookshelf
I am a little bit ashamed, and surprised, to report that my bookshelf has been very small this week, and last week too, since I guess I didn't post then. I've actually only read about 1.5 books during that time. Which for me is a little bit appalling, but I have a good excuse--for once, I'm catching up on books written for adults! And those take a lot longer to read, sadly. But my 1.5 books of the week have been great!
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Now, I feel like I'm about a year late jumping on the bandwagon for this book. It's all over the stores, all over book review charts, etc. And it was actually recommended it to me by my mom, after her book club read it, and my older sister Katie. This book is fabulous. I want to be Kathryn Stockett, because this is her first work of fiction and it is absolutely wonderful! I began reading it last Monday, with hopes of finishing it by the weekend so I could discuss it with my sister in law Shawn, who was also reading it. And I did not have trouble reading it in that amount of time. I did, however, have trouble putting it down. This book made me have a lot of "oops" afternoons, where I had a whole list of things I was hoping to accomplish and promises to fulfill but instead I sat with my nose in the book, hardly able to take a break to eat. And actually, I'm going to be a really bad reviewer here and refuse to write anything more about the book. I'll explain: usually, when I read a book, I've read the back cover, or read a review for it, or had it recommended to me, or saw a preview for a movie based on the book (which always makes me rush to the library so I can read that book and base my opinion on it before the stupid filmmakers ruin it for me). But I always open a book with some sort of idea of what it's supposed to be about. This book was like a present still in the wrappings, I had no idea what it was about, didn't bother to read the cover, just started reading. And I loved it! I loved the feeling of surprise, of something brand new to explore. That's probably why I want to be an editor. It's not that I'm a stickler for correct spelling or grammar, I just want to read the books out there before anyone else, to be the first one to explore a story, and even change it a little bit. So anyway, for all of you out there who haven't read this book, I want you to have that same experience. Just go get the book and start reading--put all your faith in my opinions, please and thankyou. :)
And on to book .5...
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski
This book is my .5 because I'm reading it right now, probably about half way through. This one is not really a surprise book, I picked it out for my dad for Father's Day a couple months ago after reading the back cover and thinking it looked good. And I guess all I can say is that I like it so far! There are lots of sweet pups in it (I guess I'm a sucker for a book with dogs in it! Maybe that means I should get a dog...HA). I'll write more when I've actually finished it :)
Part II: Happiness is this right here
I've had a lot of small things that have made me happy this week, so I've decided to just compile a list to share with you all. I've included pictures whenever possible (all stolen from the internet, of course :). Oh, and the order is not reflective of the amount of happiness each moment/object has brought me.
1. Palmer Peanut Butter Pumpkins, from the bulk food bins at Meijer. They look like just normal Halloween candy...then you unwrap it and have this little pumpkin guy grinning up at you! I don't know why, but it makes me smile every time I unwrap one
2. After I found a book for someone at the library today, they actually said "Wow, I think that's the quickest anybody's ever found a book here". It's sad how much that warmed my heart.
3. Eating split pea soup and going on a walk in the woods with my sister, Anna
4. Watching Hocus Pocus all the way through for the first time ever. Thankyou ABC Family for your 13 Nights of Halloween!
5. Finding the trail of "I miss you notes" Jared hid all over our basement when I got home on Sunday night
6. Apple cider. mmmmm I love fall!
7. This post from Enjoying the Small Things blog. It was heart warming in a "oh goodness I'm reading this touching post at work and about to cry in the office" sort of way.But I'm loving her blog, glad I stumbled across it!
8. "Inheriting" two very old, very pretty (and also dusty, musty, mildewy) books from Jared's great great aunt
9. It finally being cold enough for mittens and scarves--only I had to wear Jared's mittens this morning because I don't have any of my own in Kalamazoo and it kind of made me look like a puppy with my huge paws :)
10.News that Jared's brother and sister-in-law are expecting twins! That's not one baby, but two babies! And two more nieces or nephews (or maybe one of each?) to love come May!
Part III: Projects
Well, most of my time this week has been spent sewing, sewing, sewing (which is also why I haven't had much time to read. Can you tell my whole 1.5 books is getting to me? lol). Next week, I'm attending a Halloween themed bachelorette party for my friend Amanda, so I need a costume. And of course, instead of buying one (which is just too easy for me, I guess) I'm sewing one. Actually, it's more of a money saving thing---I'm not going to spend $40 on a costume when I can buy fabric for just $3. Although, I should probably start charging myself for time. But anyway, me and my sewing machine have really spent some quality time together this week :) Pictures may or may not follow, depending on how the costume actually turns out!
So that's a wrap up of my week all by myself! I'm really looking forward to seeing Jared again on Saturday. Oh, and for those of you who noticed that I've posted twice in one day....that's just me overcompensating for not blogging last week, and trying to prove to myself that I can do this! Thanks for sticking with me :)
I am a little bit ashamed, and surprised, to report that my bookshelf has been very small this week, and last week too, since I guess I didn't post then. I've actually only read about 1.5 books during that time. Which for me is a little bit appalling, but I have a good excuse--for once, I'm catching up on books written for adults! And those take a lot longer to read, sadly. But my 1.5 books of the week have been great!
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski
This book is my .5 because I'm reading it right now, probably about half way through. This one is not really a surprise book, I picked it out for my dad for Father's Day a couple months ago after reading the back cover and thinking it looked good. And I guess all I can say is that I like it so far! There are lots of sweet pups in it (I guess I'm a sucker for a book with dogs in it! Maybe that means I should get a dog...HA). I'll write more when I've actually finished it :)
Part II: Happiness is this right here
I've had a lot of small things that have made me happy this week, so I've decided to just compile a list to share with you all. I've included pictures whenever possible (all stolen from the internet, of course :). Oh, and the order is not reflective of the amount of happiness each moment/object has brought me.
2. After I found a book for someone at the library today, they actually said "Wow, I think that's the quickest anybody's ever found a book here". It's sad how much that warmed my heart.
3. Eating split pea soup and going on a walk in the woods with my sister, Anna
5. Finding the trail of "I miss you notes" Jared hid all over our basement when I got home on Sunday night
6. Apple cider. mmmmm I love fall!
7. This post from Enjoying the Small Things blog. It was heart warming in a "oh goodness I'm reading this touching post at work and about to cry in the office" sort of way.But I'm loving her blog, glad I stumbled across it!
8. "Inheriting" two very old, very pretty (and also dusty, musty, mildewy) books from Jared's great great aunt
9. It finally being cold enough for mittens and scarves--only I had to wear Jared's mittens this morning because I don't have any of my own in Kalamazoo and it kind of made me look like a puppy with my huge paws :)
10.News that Jared's brother and sister-in-law are expecting twins! That's not one baby, but two babies! And two more nieces or nephews (or maybe one of each?) to love come May!
Part III: Projects
Well, most of my time this week has been spent sewing, sewing, sewing (which is also why I haven't had much time to read. Can you tell my whole 1.5 books is getting to me? lol). Next week, I'm attending a Halloween themed bachelorette party for my friend Amanda, so I need a costume. And of course, instead of buying one (which is just too easy for me, I guess) I'm sewing one. Actually, it's more of a money saving thing---I'm not going to spend $40 on a costume when I can buy fabric for just $3. Although, I should probably start charging myself for time. But anyway, me and my sewing machine have really spent some quality time together this week :) Pictures may or may not follow, depending on how the costume actually turns out!
So that's a wrap up of my week all by myself! I'm really looking forward to seeing Jared again on Saturday. Oh, and for those of you who noticed that I've posted twice in one day....that's just me overcompensating for not blogging last week, and trying to prove to myself that I can do this! Thanks for sticking with me :)
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