Hello everyone!
It seems like it's been a two weeks since I last posted, but it really hasn't. As it turns out, I'm the type of blogger who updates a ton when I'm inspired to do so. My apologies if you were hoping for a more regularly updated blog :) But I'll give some brief updates of my life since my last post.
Jared and I celebrated my birthday with a lovely picnic at Milwood Park in Portage. He made me homemade cheesy potato soup, with lots of cheese and bacon to go on top. It was delicious! Later, we had homemade apple crisp with caramel and vanilla ice cream. It was heavenly. I married quite the chef, I think :)Then that Saturday, my actual birthday, we traveled to Rockford to celebrate with my family over lunch. Later that evening, I got to debut my Halloween costume at my friend Manda's bachelorette party...
Since the party was so close to Halloween, we were all asked to wear costumes of the type one would typically see on a college campus and/or frat party :) She posted this picture on her blog
Days of our Lives--this is hopefully the only photo you'll ever see of my "handiwork".Unfortunately, when I was putting on the costume I learned the importance of not buying a cheap zipper! The whole thing unraveled as soon as it was zipped up, and I ended up walking around in a costume held together by safety pins. Oh well, it's not like I would ever wear it again :) The party was a blast though, Manda's future sister-in-laws had planned some great games! I'm excited to be part of her wedding in less than two weeks!
Then on Sunday, Jared and I spent our Halloween evening passing out candy with my sister Anna and her husband Adam. It was so fun to see all the kids in their costumes! When I walked into work on Monday, I was met with a sparkling, tacky trophy for winning first place in the pumpkin carving contest. As it turns out, only three departments, including mine, had participated, so the win was fairly small, but a victory nonetheless :)
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