Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hello everyone! Thanks for visiting our blog! We'll try to update this regularly with what's going on in our lives. Here's a photo recap of what our summer has been like so far...
First, Jared and I graduated from Western Michigan University in May.

And then on June 12 we tied the knot!

Followed by a wonderful honeymoon to the Adirondacks.

And then in August, we took a trip to Vancouver!

During our Vancouver trip, Jared was offered a job there with Young Life as the Langley Area Director. We decided to accept the job, and are planning to move to Canada in November! We're both so excited to move, but waiting for our immigration papers to be accepted has been rough. Since we didn't want to sign a lease for an apartment, we've been subletting wherever we can--we've moved three times since June! Right now, we're living with the bare minimum, true newlywed style. It's been fun...but we're definitely ready for the next adventure. In the mean time, we've been working on projects--refinishing antique night stands (ours), fixing up an old road bike (his) and soon, sewing some throw pillows (hers). We hope you enjoy our updates!

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