Thursday, May 5, 2011


I'm supposed to be writing a Life Story right now, my reluctant part time occupation Thursday-Sunday, but instead I'm doing a pretty fine job of procrastinating. It's not that the subject's story is extremely dull or challenging, it's that my mind is spinning off in a flurry of distraction, forcing me to choose more gratifying past-times over what I'm supposed to be doing.

So far in my procrastination I've filled out half a Nexus application (cross your fingers--goodbye border waits and sometimes-cranky guards!), caught up on my Michigan current affairs and politics, eaten lunch, and taken a couple pictures. Now I can add "posted on my blog" to that list.

After this, I'll get to work :)

For me, the best part of waking up is not Folgers in my cup--it's this:
My window sill herb garden. The last time I posted about this, I was welcoming baby sprigs of basil into the world. Now, that basil is growing into an actual plant. See how big it's gotten?
And I also have some tiny strings of chives--
 Tall gangly things reminiscent of a boy in grade 9. And some baby parsley.
These guys were the most reluctant to show their faces, but they've grown so quickly in the past week they nearly rival the basil.

The only plant really taking it's time to grow is my oregano. It was quick to sprout, but hasn't really done much since. It calls to mind one of the parables---only my seed was planted in good soil and lovingly tended to.

Really, I'm not exaggerating when I say I am proud of these plants. It's all I can do to stop myself from watering them every time I step into the kitchen. It is hard to imagine that they will eventually be big and strong enough to be cut for cooking, but it's been fun to watch them slowly develop into the plants they'll be someday. My parsley has just sprouted some new leaves that actually look like the parsley I know. And I was thrilled to discover that those minuscule sprigs of basil give off just as much scent as they will full grown. Gardening is fun, especially when it's right in front of my face every time I do the dishes :)

Though I must admit, with all the maternal pride coming out in this garden, I have to wonder how over-the-top I'll be as a mom someday. If I'm this obsessed with some tiny plants that I'll later eat, how excited will I be about my own kids (someday in the very far off future)?

In other news, Jared and I got our BC drivers licenses in the mail yesterday. Due to some sort of face recognition technology, they don't allow you to smile for the picture.

It looks like a mugshot. I used to produce my ID with pride when asked at the grocery store or a restaurant, but now I'll probably be a bit more reluctant.

And in a slight bragging moment---isn't my table so springy and cheerful?
 I love it. Dressing it up in cute tablecloths and fabrics feels like having a grown up barbie.

Jared got back from backpacking yesterday--he came all the way from Vancouver Island and still had dinner waiting for me when I got home, bless his heart :) We'll post pictures from his trip later this week--and I promise you, his trip was a lot more interesting that my silly little herb garden :)

Thanks for helping me escape from responsibility for a while.


  1. Love the garden and the cute kitchen table setting!!! <3

  2. Oh honey, you created a great home for you and Jared. I love your maternal pride coming out in plants! And I love your creative writing.
