Monday, August 5, 2013


I've obviously been a bit of a slacker in the blogging sphere. Here's a snapshot of our past 16(!) months:
Backpacking on the Olympic coast
Backpacking on the Olympic coast
One of the few times I got the camera...

Forks, WA awesomeness (aka Best Day Ever)
Michigan trip
Rockridge Canyon
Needle Peak backpacking trip
Needle Peak backpacking trip
Master chef
Starting a rockslide
Summit of Needle Peak
Heather Meadows
Heather Meadows

Backpacking with highschoolers
Backpacking with highschoolers
Backpacking with highschoolers
Yoho National Park
Yoho National Park
Yoho National Park
Nootka Island hike
Nootka Island hike
Nootka Island Hike

Nootka Island Hike
Hiking with the Smiths
Hiking with the Smiths
Lynn Canyon with the Vinces

Lynn Canyon with the Vinces

Lynn Canyon with the Vinces
Stanley Park with the Vinces

Surprise birthday visit!
American Thanksgiving (in Kelowna) deliciousness

Queen's land Christmas Trees
Snowshoeing prior to getting epically lost
Lake Michigan over Christmas

Visit with Grandpa
Visit with Grandpa

Moss mustache
Teacup ride at Disney Land

Faux recklessness at waterfall park in Bellingham
Deception Pass with the Scramlins and two Rapps

Granville Island with two Rapps
Real recklessness at Lighthouse Park
Multnomah Falls with the Terkeursts
Playground time with the Terkeursts
Accomplishment! Finish line for the Seattle to Portland race
The Fremont Troll (dusty but awesome!)
Rockridge Canyon
Tada! Not too shabby of a year and a half!

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