Thursday, October 21, 2010

Jared is off gallivanting around in Langley right now, touring apartments, meeting  people, talking to banks and cell phone companies, enjoying the beautiful views of Mt. Baker and the Golden Ears mountains, and apparently getting very very lost. On Monday, he flew into Seattle , then took a bus from the airport to Surrey, the next town over from Langley. He flew out to attend Young Life in Langley's annual dessert fundraiser, which is this evening, so cross your fingers and wish him luck that everything is going ok!
And over this past  weekend... he finished his bike! It is now all painted, polished, and reassembled--so all those little baggies of parts somehow found themselves back onto the bike where they belong. The bike looks great, but unfortunately he has the camera with him in Langley so I can't post the after pictures! Next time. There are still a couple things he hopes to do with the bike, like change it into a single speed, buy new pedals, and get fenders (which will probably be important to have in Langley, since it rains a lot there!). But for now, it works and looks great!
I'm pretty sure once he finishes this project, he'll be itching for another. I, personally, wouldn't mind if he made me a bike like this one:
only in a pale yellow. And maybe with a gray seat instead. It's not that I love bikes that much or anything, but maybe if I had one that was pretty and lovable, I would like to ride it more--at least I think that's Jared's hope. There's a bike just like this one parked outside the library every Thursday, and every time I see it I just want to give it a little pat like a pup. It's just so cute! I can picture myself riding it around with a basket full of flowers on the back and a packed picnic basket. Maybe next week I'll try to take a picture of it...I've been tempted to take one with my phone for a couple weeks now, but I'm always scared the bike's owner will catch me and be suspicious.
So I guess this turned into more of a "hers" post anyway...oh well ;) I promise pictures of his completed bike in the near future.

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